Dear Friends,
More than 140 years ago Juniata’s founders put in motion a singular vision for a college born to ensure people could “acquire useful knowledge” that they might qualify themselves “for whatever calling in life their inclinations profess.”
I am the 12th person in Juniata’s history to whom that vision and subsequent mission has been entrusted as president. I know many people own that honor with me, from our more than 15,000 alumni to our current students, faculty, and staff. Together, we animate a quest both timeless and practical: to learn the skills and habits of mind to engage the world, ask questions, and serve a greater good while contributing to our work, our communities, and our fellow citizens.
At Juniata, we make a simple promise to be our students’ partners. We know they will encounter ambiguity and challenge, moments for courage, and moments for straightforward hard work. We know they will discover talents and abilities they do not yet know and will take with them the aptitudes to foster those important discoveries.
I also have the role of leading Juniata’s institutional engagement with the world. We have more than 60 educational partners in 26 nations on six continents. At any time, we have students on campus from between 35 and 40 different nations. We are members of the Pennsylvania Consortium of the Liberal Arts, the Landmark Conference in Division III athletics, various academic honor societies, one of the “Colleges That Change Lives,” and more organizations committed to excellence in academic, athletic, service, and international pursuits.
Whether you already know Juniata or are here for the first time, I urge you to browse these pages. Our story is always in motion, and the horizons for which we aim are interesting and aspirational. I welcome you to be a part of our story.
James A. Troha, Ph.D.