Q: Why do college students participate?
A: To share another language and culture with others, learn more, improve their self-confidence
and communication skills, and have fun.
Q: How do college students participate?
A: Through a repeatable service-learning course, as a requirement for other courses,
or as a volunteer.
Q: How are student presenters recruited?
A: At Juniata, word-of-mouth, recruitment by faculty and international program staff,
and announcements attract an average of 20-30 students each semester. Some partner
institutions have smaller, competitive programs.
Q: Do the presenters get training before going into the schools?
A: Yes, presenters attend a series of workshops, including one with teachers present.
Q: Is the model replicable?
A: Absolutely. The program is designed around core goals and common program elements,
but it is inherently flexible.
Q: Why have a consortium?
A: To share program ideas and materials, provide mutual support for addressing challenges,
expand professional development opportunities, conduct assessments, provide quality
control, and disseminate the model. We welcome new members.
Presenter FAQ
Q: What age are the students attending the presentations?
A: The students vary from age 5 to 18, depending on the school. If you prefer to work
with elementary students or high school students, please let us know.
Q: I’ve never taught. Will I get training to prepare me?
A: Yes. There are five workshops and two individual conferences on your presentation.
Q: How will I get to the school?
A: Language in Motion provides all transportation, and staff will get you to the school
and back.
Q: Do I have to present by myself?
A: No. You may team up with another student. In addition, the director or a staff member
may attend your presentation.
Q: I have class conflicts with school hours. Can I still participate?
A: Yes. We try to schedule presentations around your classes, but when that fails, we
can give you a field trip excuse one time per Juniata course.
Q: What is required from me if I take the course for credit?
A: To pass the course, you must attend all workshops, give the required number of presentations,
submit some presentation paperwork, and write a short reflective paper on your experiences.
Teacher FAQ
Q: Where are presenters from?
A: Presenters usually represent most continents in the world.
Q: May I invite presenters if I do not teach their language?
A: Of course. Presenters adapt their material for the age and knowledge level of your
Q: Can I meet with the presenters before their presentations?
A: In a workshop held at the college each semester, the teachers meet the presenters
and exchange information.
Q: Do presentations enhance curricular goals?
A: Yes. Once selected, presenters work with the teachers on presentation content to
ensure appropriate coordination with the curriculum.
Q: Why should my students and I participate when I already struggle to complete the
required curriculum?
A: Presentations can include any curricular material you choose and will add a new,
youthful, personalized perspective to it. New faces and voices help students learn.
What Do I Need to Know about The Program
Calendar for Teachers
Forms for Teachers Hosting Presenters