Kushal Adhikari, assistant professor of environmental engineering, presented the results of undergraduate research with students at the 18th Annual River Symposium at Bucknell University. These presentations included “Lab-scale Green Stormwater Infrastructures: Integrating Research and Teaching” with Christopher Brumbaugh-Cayford ’24; “Stormwater Management Using Low Impact Developments (LIDs): Case Study from Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA” with Ashley McWilliams ’24; and “Water Quality Assessment of Muddy Run, Pennsylvania, USA,” with Bryson Osborne ’24. The research projects conducted with McWilliams and Osborne have been accepted for oral presentations at the 2024 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (ASCE-EWRI Congress 2024), a peer-reviewed conference with corresponding research articles currently under review.
Nikki McLellan Ayers ’06, director of athletics, attended the 2024 NCAA Convention in January 2024. Nikki
accepted an award on behalf of the Juniata Athletics Department alongside current
field hockey student-athlete and vice president of DIII National SAAC (Student-Athlete
Advisory Committee), Lillian Case ’25, for recognition of the great work Juniata SAAC does each year with the Special Olympics
of Pennsylvania Fall Sectional. The award was given by the National Association of
Division III Administrators (NADIIIA).
Jack Barlow, Charles A. Dana Professor of Politics, was a guest with Ed Vaizey of Times (UK)
Radio on the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court to deny Donald Trump a place on
the ballot on December 20, 2023. He was interviewed by Marta Garde of EFE News Service
(an international Spanish-language news service) on Donald Trump’s eligibility for
the ballot. Barlow was interviewed by Michael Liebowitz of the Rational Egoist podcast
on the life and writings of Gouverneur Morris on January 6, 2024. Barlow presented
“What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Nation: Gouverneur Morris and the Birth of
American Constitutionalism” to a conference celebrating the life and work of Professor
William B. Allen in Washington, D.C., in June 2023.

Hannah Bellwoar, professor of English, was elected as vice president of Small Liberal Arts College Writing Program Administrators (SLAC-WPA). This position is a four-year term—one year as vice president, two years as president, and one year as past president. Bellwoar presented a workshop, “Cultivating Mentoring Relationships in our Writing Programs,” at the SLACWPA conference.
William Blades, assistant professor of physics and engineering physics, submitted a research proposal, “Localized spin-magnetic moments and heterogenous band gaps in two-dimensional metal alloys,” which was accepted by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) 2D-Crystal Consortium (2DCC).
Lauren Bowen, provost and professor of politics, presented “How Provosts and Vice Presidents of Advancement Can Work Together to Generate New Sources of External Funding Revenue” with Jim Watt, vice president for advancement and new strategic initiatives. She co-presented “New Program Development, Program Assessment, Efficiency Gains and Prioritization” at the annual CAO (Chief Academic Officers) Institute of CIC (Council of Independent Colleges), Tampa, FL, November 2023.
Kristin Camenga, associate professor of mathematics and director of advising, co-presented “Academic
Coaching for Faculty” at the Penn State Advising Conference on September 21, 2023.
She participated in a panel discussion, “Reimagining Academic Recovery for Students
on Academic Warning and Probation,” at the National Academic Advising Association
(NACADA) Annual Conference on October 6, 2023. Camenga presented “Filling in the Gaps
for Calculus I Students: Building in supplemental instruction at a small liberal arts
college,” at the Joint Mathematics Meetings on January 4, 2024. With collaborators
Rebekah B. Johnson Yates of Houghton University and Douglas Knowles of Cornell University,
she presented “The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Finite Field Numerical Ranges, on
January 3, 2024.
Pat Christopher, head baseball coach, presented at the USA Baseball Coaches Clinic held at West Virginia
University (WVU) in November 2023 alongside coaches from WVU and Potomac State. He
also held the first coaching clinic at Juniata with guest speakers from Chatham University,
Mt. Aloysius and St. Vincent for local high school, junior college, and club coaches.
Lynn Cockett, professor of communication, presented “In Theory/In Reality: Using Reality TV in
your Pedagogy” at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy at Virginia Tech University
in February 2024.
John Crum, assistant professor of criminal justice, presented “A Social Network Analysis of
Campaign Contributions in PA Criminal Justice Elections” at the American Society of
Criminology Conference, in November 2023. Crum’s research assistant, Daniela Scipioni ’25, presented a poster, “Police Militarization & Drug Policy: The Impact of Marijuana
Liberalization Policies on 1033 Program Justifications,” as part of their research
at the American Society of Criminology Conference in November 2023.
Brittany Carr DeHaven ’09, assistant athletic director for enrollment, retention, and student success, participated
in the BOSCA (Business of Small College Athletics) Regional Workshop, attending sessions
on DEI, Leadership, best practices, mental health strategies, and human resources
in athletics. The workshop was held in October 2023 at Kutztown University.
April Feagley g’23, assistant director of communication, completed her master of organizational leadership
degree at Juniata. She was the keynote speaker at the Pennsylvania Student Press Association’s
Regional Student Journalism Competition in November 2023.

Amy Frazier-Yoder, professor of Spanish and Hispanic cultures, published a book, “Creators and Created
Beings in Twentieth-Century Latin American Fiction.” She also presented “Male-Order:
Plastisex© Gynoids and Displaced Women in Juan José Arreola’s ‘Anuncio’”, as part
of the panel “Displaced and Replaced: Migrants, Marxists, Exiles, and Sex Dolls in
Latin American Cultural Production” at the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference
in October 2023.
Douglas Glazier, professor of biology, published five research articles, including “Interactive effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on metabolic rate” with co-author Vojsava Gjoni in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (the oldest scientific journal in the world), “Scaling species interactions: implications for community ecology and biological scaling theory” in academia biology, “Commentary on the biphasic ontogenetic metabolic scaling of the American eel Anguilla rostrata” with Alex Forlenza ’22 and Heather Galbraith ’01 in physiological and biochemical zoology, “Temperature, resources, and predation interact to shape phytoplankton size–abundance relationships at a continental scale” with several co-authors in Global Ecology and Biogeography, and “The Relevance of Time in Biological Scaling” in Biology. He also authored or co-authored two chapters in the book “Springs of the World: Distribution, Ecology, and Conservation Status.”
Tracy Stough Grajewski ’86, assistant professor of accounting, business, and economics, was named to the board of directors for AAA-Central Pennsylvania.
Benjamin Grant, assistant athletic director for athletic communications, and Jarrett Kratzer, assistant athletic director for sports performance, were accepted into the NACDA
(National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics) Senior Mentoring Institute
and will attend the annual convention in Las Vegas in June for the official program.
The Senior Mentoring Institute is a yearlong program designed to assist up and coming
athletic administrators through their path to the AD (athletic director) chair. Ben
and Jarrett will participate in the two-day program in June and will continue the
program with another in-person session to be held at Stony Brook University in the
fall of 2024. Jarrett also participated in the BOSCA (Business of Small College Athletics)
Regional Workshop attending sessions on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, leadership,
best practices, mental health strategies and human resources in athletics.
Katie Hildebrand Hoffman ’01, assistant professor of education, co-presented “Active Learning Strategies as a
Tool for Inclusion” with Karen Fries of Francis Marion University at the Lilly Conference
in in October 2023.
Patricia Hunt, director of health professions, took Olivia Henry ’26 and Anna Dill ’25 to speak on a panel focused on the undergraduate premedical experience at the Pennsylvania
Mountains Rural Health Conference held at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Hunt
and seven students visited the Penn State College of Medicine to participate in Primary
Care Day.
Jill Keeney, Charles A. Dana Professor of Biology, presented a workshop, “ORFans and proto-genes:
Engaging students in bioinformatics through the study of yeast genes of unknown function,”
at the Cell Bio 2023 in Boston, MA, on December 2, 2023. Keeney published “CURE on
yeast genes of unknown function increases students’ bioinformatics proficiency and
research confidence” in the Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education with many
other colleagues from institutions across the US.
Jim Latten, professor of music, published “Fall Marching Bands, AWP (Adequate Weekly Progress) Assessments, & Concern for Excellence: A dream, or reality?” in the Winter 2023 edition of PMEA news, the state music education journal.
Monika Malewska, professor of art, was a featured artist in “Co Na Deser?” (What’s for Dessert), a twoperson exhibition with Paweł Czekański at Piękna Gallery, Warsaw, Poland, in January 2024. In October 2023, she exhibited at Biennial 2023 in the International Competitive Biennial Survey of Contemporary Painting Gallery Exhibition at Manifest, Cincinnati, Ohio. Malewska was a part of the Maake Summer Group Show, Maake Projects Gallery, curated by Emily Carol Burns in State College in August 2023.
Tori Quinn, head women’s lacrosse coach, participated in the annual IWLCA (Intercollegiate Women’s
Lacrosse Coaches Association) convention in November. Tori participated in educational
sessions around rules changes, tactical plays/schemes and attended a high caliber
recruitment event as part of the convention.
Kim Roth, professor of statistics and mathematics, began her four-year term as an associate editor of The College Mathematics Journal in January 2024.
Meghan Shoff, athletic trainer and compliance coordinator, attended the NCAA Regional Rules Seminar in Indianapolis, IN. Meghan was able to participate in NCAA reporting educational sessions and workshops around NCAA rule changes for Division III.
James Stumpo, head men’s lacrosse coach, and Jace Cornell, assistant men’s lacrosse coach, attended the IMCLA (Intercollegiate Men’s Lacrosse Coaching Association) in December 2023. The coaches participated in educational sessions around rule changes, tactical plays/schemes, DEI and mental health strategies for student-athletes.
Blake Treadwell, head football coach, and the Juniata football staff attended the annual American Football Coaches Associate Convention in Nashville in January 2024. The coaches took part in networking, educational sessions on new plays, new health and safety practices and offensive/defensive schemes.
Belle Tuten, Charles A. Dana Professor of History, published “Using Problem-Based Learning in the ‘Medieval Medicine’ Classroom,” in The Once and Future Classroom: Resources for Teaching Medieval Studies 18/1 (Spring 2024).
Jim Tuten, Charles R. and Shirley A. Knox Professor of History, presented “Critical Acts of Commensality and Cultural Capital: How Madeira Wine Served Social Functions Among Anglo-phone elites (1815 to 2000),” and “Modernity and Globalisation in the Atlantic World: Relationships, Dialogues and Exchanges,” in Funchal, Madeira, on November 23, 2023. Tuten co-edited “A Brief Guide to the EBT: Living Relic of the Industrial Age” (published by the Juniata College Press in 2023) with Ryan Kough, associate professor of integrated media arts, and Lawrence Biemiller.
Jim Watt, vice president for advancement and new strategic initiatives, was quoted as an expert in the field of advancement in the 2023 Crescendo Philanthropy Study entitled, “How Active Planned Giving Programs Beat Downward Giving Trends”. The study looked at 371 nonprofit organizations and the factors that led to their success.
David Widman, professor of psychology, co-authored “Possible influence of psychological distance to women’s intrasexual mating competition, with Maryanne L. Fisher and Rebecca L. Burch, published in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. Along with Jason Brandon ’24, Alexandra Carrol ’24, Sydney Garner ’25, Geun Min Kim ’25, Weston Phares ’23, and Renee Waite ’24, Widman published “Psychophysical measurements during the priming of intrasexual competition” in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. Widman and Burch presented the poster “Further evidence that intrasexually competing women do not discount the future” to the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS) In New Orleans, in November 2023.
Juniata Travels to UN Conference

For the third consecutive year, a delegation of Juniata College faculty and students attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference as an observer organization. This year’s conference, COP 28, was held November 30 through December 12, 2023, in Expo City, Dubai, UAE. Juniata’s delegation was comprised of Matt Powell, professor of geology; Kushal Adhikari, assistant professor of environmental engineering; Elisha Stenger ’24; Bailey Saunders ’25; Isabel Kruse ’24; and Kei Takahashi ’24. “Our hope is to provide a one-of-a-kind experience for our students that bridges the gap between learning and action, and that specifically explores the interplay between scientific results and policy decisions,” said Powell. “Last year, only 13 U.S. liberal arts colleges were admitted observers. We believe the experience helps us fulfill our mission to build ethical leaders in a global community, and advance our demonstrated commitment to climate action and international engagement.” Juniata was one of about 15 liberal arts colleges participating as observers.