Residential Living
Residency Requirement
Juniata College is a four-year residential college, which means all full-time students are required to live in college-owned housing; unless they are enrolled as a part-time student, commuter, or received approval for a housing exemption. Most of our students live in college owned housing. The Office of Campus Life seeks to establish an enriching residential experience that supports the Juniata mission, especially in the areas of community engagement, personal development, authentic leadership and global citizenship. Campus Life is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment that fosters a well-rounded collegiate experience.
Housing Exemptions:
There are possible exemptions from the residency requirement, and they are only approved under certain circumstances:
Commuter Status Exemption
Students with commuter status are not required to live in campus housing; but they may do so if they would like to benefit from the convenience and amenities available to residential students. Students are eligible for commuter status for one of the following reasons:
Students who commute from the primary residence of a parent or guardian, within 50 miles of the Juniata College campus.
Students who have part-time student status (enrolled for 11 credit hours or less per semester).
Students who are married, have children, or are 25 years of age or older.
Appropriate documentation must be provided in order to receive commuter status. Such documentation must be submitted to the Office of Campus Life no later than 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester. Students wishing to change to commuter status must complete the Residency change request form, which is available on Eagle’s Nook.
Terms for Residential Status:
- Resident – lives in college-owned housing
- Non-Resident – dependent student who has been granted approval by the Office ofCampus Life to live off-campus.
- Commuter – student who lives at home with parent or guardian, within 50 miles of the Juniata College campus.
- Independent Commuter – financially independent student who meets the criteria to live off-campus.
Residence Hall Staff
Juniata seeks to provide the best possible living experience within the residence hall and that begins with a qualified, caring, and well-trained staff. Staff members in each building are carefully selected, specifically trained, and strive to help students have a successful campus living experience. Upon arrival the first-person students will meet on check-in day is the Resident Assistant, better known as the RA.
Resident Assistants (RAs) are assigned to a residence hall floor/residential area to assist with students' adjustment to community life. The Residence Hall staff is instrumental in planning activities to help students become acquainted with their living environment. In addition, RAs will be available throughout the year to assist with academic, personal and community living concerns and to establish an atmosphere conducive to learning. RAs are responsible for establishing a presence in the building, maintaining college rules and regulations and are expected to refer violations for disciplinary action. Resident Assistants are specially trained upper-class students who are able to answer many questions about Juniata and the residence halls. Resident Assistants report to a live-in Community Advisor (CA).
Community Advisors (CAs) are student leaders who work with and are responsible for providing support and assistance to an RLC/RD within a housing community comprised of one or more residence hall buildings. They articulate to students the philosophy and policies of Juniata College and the Office of Campus Life. Aside from their expected RA responsibilities, they are intended to be a resource for fellow RAs, while providing peer leadership to create a highly functioning hall staff for the betterment of the residential community.
Residential Life Coordinator/ Residence Director(s) (RLCs/RDs) are live-in professional staff members who manage the operations of an assigned residential area. They supervise hall staff, coordinate programs and activities, and work collaboratively in creating an atmosphere conducive to personal and professional growth and leadership. The RLC/RDs are also available to answer questions about policies and procedures and the campus in general.
Residential Programs
The residential life staff organizes a wide variety of fun and engaging activities for students to enjoy. Students are encouraged to become actively involved in planning these events and to participate in as many programs as possible. These programs generally have a social and/or educational focus and align with the Residential Compass.
The Residential Compass
The Office of Campus Life offers a unique, fun, and comprehensive residential experience that prompts students to define their personal purpose. A fundament component of the college journey that contributes to shaping a memorable experience is campus living. Through a variety of campus opportunities, including exciting programs, stimulating workshops, and interpersonal interactions, students will have the necessary skills for navigating their college experience.
Community Living
Courtesy and Quiet Hours
It is expected that each resident will extend courtesy and consideration and be sensitive to the needs of other residents at all times. Courtesy Hours are in effect at all times in the residence halls. Each resident and his/her visitors have the responsibility to act with consideration for others. Quiet Hours are designated times when noise will be kept to a minimum to allow study and sleep. Radios, stereos, and televisions must be played at lower volume levels that will not disturb other residents. Quiet Hours are 11:00pm – 8:00am during the week and 2:00am – 10:00am on the weekends. Off-campus residents must adhere to the Huntingdon Borough’s Quiet Hours Ordinance.
- Quiet Hours are enforced 24 hours/day throughout final exams week.
Roommate Conflicts
Although new students are carefully assigned and returning students often select roommates, conflicts occasionally arise. Community Advisors/Resident Assistants are trained to handle such difficulties when they occur. Roommates are encouraged to reconcile their differences and seek the assistance of the RA or CA if needed.
No roommate changes will be permitted during the first three weeks of each semester. The process for seeking a room/roommate change is as follows:
- The roommates make a concerted effort to reconcile differences.
- The RA or CA meets with the roommates to mediate the conflict.
- If necessary, the roommates will meet with the RLC/RD to further mediate the conflict.
- One or both roommates meet with the RLC/RD to seek a room change, if space is available.
- If neither roommate is willing to move to a new assignment, students will meet with the Assistant Director of Residential Life/Associate Director of Residential Life to determine which student will be reassigned.
Room and Hall Changes
Residents must obtain approval from the Office of Campus Life prior to changing rooms. Residents should contact the Office of Campus Life to learn of available spaces. Students moving without proper permission are subject to a fine and/or other disciplinary action.
- No room changes will be approved during the first three weeks or the last week of each semester.
Room Decorating / Painting / Lofts
Painting walls and constructing lofts in college-owned housing is prohibited. Students are permitted and encouraged to hang posters and pictures on walls, but only with non-marking masking tape, white hanging putty, pushpins, or thumbtacks.
Students are encouraged to personalize their rooms, but may not make structural changes to the rooms. Students are expected to keep their rooms in a clean and orderly condition at all times.
The following items are prohibited for use in college owned rooms:
- Marking walls with chalk, crayon, or other materials.
- Double-sided tape
- Duct tape on walls and ceilings
- Self-adhesive decals/stickers
- Nails/bolts
- Dartboards with metal-tipped darts
Hanging fabric (tapestries) from the ceiling or in front of doors or windows is prohibited
If students provide their own window coverings, such coverings must be made of non-flammable materials and the college-provided window shades or pull blinds must remain in the window and should be shut during breaks.
Room furnishing (i.e. beds, mattresses, springs, chairs, desks, etc.) may not be moved from one room to another or placed in hallways/lounges. All room furnishings must remain in the room throughout the academic year. Moving lounge furniture into student rooms is prohibited. Furniture should not be dismantled or altered in any way.
Placement of beds on desks, dressers, windowsills, radiators, etc. beyond the design of the furniture is prohibited. Placement of beds, desks and/or dressers should not block easy exit from the room.
Furniture should not be placed any closer than 6” from heating units.
Bathroom Policy
Pets are not allowed in residence halls, apartments, and houses. College personnel will remove pets from college owned residential properties. The only exception to this policy is harmless fish in a reasonably sized aquarium (10-gallon maximum). "Visiting" pets are also prohibited.
Pet Friendly Housing
Pet friendly housing is available in East and College owned apartments and houses. Applications will be available during housing selection on Eagle's Nook. There is a non-refundable pet deposit of $250 if approved.
Emotional Support Animals
Some residents will be granted permission to have an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) within the residence hall. Students who live in that vicinity will be notified and students with approval must follow the guidelines for their approved animal. ESA animals must remain with their owner in their room only.
Trash Removal
All residents should take trash directly to the designated trash area. Garbage/recyclables are to be placed in the appropriate receptacles. Trashcans are located to provide convenience and to assist in trash removal. We ask for your assistance in helping the housekeeping staff maintain a clean and sanitary living environment. Students found discarding trash improperly will be billed for trash removal. Students are strongly encouraged to use the recycling bins.
The Office of Campus Life is committed to the campus recycling effort and asks students to follow these guidelines in recycling. Please join our efforts to become more sustainable.
East Houses Trash/Recycling Removal
Residents in East Houses are responsible for trash disposal. Each suite will be issued a trashcan, recycling bin and trash can liners. Students are expected to keep trashcans and recycling bins in their apartment lounges and to empty them on a regular basis. Disposal of trash and sorting of recyclables will be the responsibility of the students. Facilities Services will provide dumpsters for trash and recyclables located behind East Houses. In addition, facilities will provide trash liners when needed. Students can pick up liners from their RA. Remember, this is your community. PLEASE HELP KEEP IT CLEAN!
Recyclable Materials:
- Aluminum (soda cans, soup cans, foil)
- Treatment: rinse first
- Recycling Location: All residence halls, central areas, Good Hall (2nd floor), Brumbaugh (Bio Wing), Eagles Landing
- Glass (green, brown, clear)
- Treatment: trash the caps and rinse
- Recycling Location: All residence halls, central areas, Good Hall (2nd floor), Brumbaugh (Bio Wing), Eagles Landing
- Paper (newspaper, loose-leaf, colored, envelopes)
- Treatment: neatly piled
- Recycling Location: All residence halls, central areas, high traffic paper areas (copiers, mail, office, computer areas), Good Hall (3rd floor)
- Cardboard (both thin and corrugated)
- Treatment: crush or fold boxes first
- Recycling Location: place cardboard near paper receptacles
- Plastic (only clear #1 and milk jugs)
- Treatment: trash the caps and rinse
- Recycling Location: All residence halls, central areas, Eagles Landing
- Mixed Paper (blue container)
- Cans, Glass, Plastic (green container)
- Trash (brown container)
Visitation Policy
Students are permitted to have visitors in their rooms only if there are no objections from their roommate(s). Roommates are expected to resolve problems created by visitations. The rights of a student to privacy, quiet, etc. are paramount and take precedence over the desire of a roommate to have visitors or guests in the room. If roommates cannot agree, the Resident Assistant, Community Advisor, Residential Life Coordinator, or Residence Director should be consulted.
Guests are welcome to visit their hosts as long as all roommates agree upon the length of the visit. Overnight guests may not stay more than two consecutive nights or four nights in a thirty-day period. All guests are expected to comply with Juniata College regulations. Misconduct of a guest including any violations of college policies and/or any damage to college property is ultimately the responsibility of the host. All visitors must have an escort while visiting residence halls. Unescorted guests will be asked to leave the campus.
Roommates should be consulted prior to inviting guests to stay overnight in the residence halls. If a roommate does not want visitors to stay in the room, other arrangements should be made.
Personal Air Conditioners
Students who need the use of an air conditioner must have a medical form and prior approval from the Office of Campus Life, before installation. Units may not exceed 5000 BTUs and must be Energy Star rated and in good, safe operating condition and must operate on 125 voltage. All units are subject to inspection, to ensure safe operating condition. College maintenance personnel will install personal air conditioning units.
Air conditioners will be removed by college maintenance staff prior to Fall break and students are expected to take air conditioners home at this time. The Office of Campus Life will determine the appropriateness of reinstalling air conditioners for the spring semester. Students are NOT permitted to install air conditioners.
Microwaves and Refrigerators
Microwaves and Refrigerators must be energy-star rated and in good condition. Microwaves and refrigerators must be under 750 watts. Refrigerators can be no larger than 4.0 cubic feet. Effective fall 2012: All REFRIGERATORS MUST HAVE "ENERGY STAR" RATING.
Philosophy and Principles of Responsible Hosting
(Established Spring 2002 by the Residents of East Houses)
As a community, Juniata College is dedicated to providing an academically challenging and socially rewarding environment for all students. The residents of EAST Houses have taken the initiative to develop guidelines for hosting safe social functions in residence hall rooms. The principles and suggestions listed below are not intended to condone the use of alcoholic beverages, but rather to address issues of concern.
A responsible host should:
- Prepare for social gatherings by: Cleaning the room(s), locking all room doors and appropriately securing valuables.
- Have at least one resident of the room present at all times with guests.
- Residents of the room should monitor all arrivals and departures of guests.
- Residential hosts should keep their apartment door shut and keep the landings clear of people and trash.
- Hosts are reminded that they are responsible for the behavior of their guests.
- Collect all car keys from those who have driven.
- Provide snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.
- Designate one or more residential hosts in attendance to abstain from alcohol.
- Be aware of who is in attendance and what is occurring at the party and in the surrounding area.
Hosts are strongly advised to only invite/allow people you know to attend the party/social gathering.
- Encourage recycling by asking residential life staff members for bins.
- Follow all college policies and procedures as outlined in the Pathfinder and mandated by Pennsylvania State Law with regards to alcohol and other controlled substances.
- Be aware of who (RA/RLC/RD) is on-duty and inform them of the social gathering. Also inform neighbors of the social gathering.
- Keep volume of music and people in attendance to 'reasonable' levels.
- Respect Campus Life Staff and Public Safety.
- Always end social gatherings by 2:00 AM.
Hosts are responsible for cleaning their room(s) and the landing/steps.
Room Damage
Residents are responsible for the condition of their rooms and furnishings. By signing your housing contract, you accept responsibility for damage in your room beyond normal wear and aging and will be charged accordingly. In the common areas, charges resulting from damage, loss resulting from theft, or destructive behavior are the joint responsibility of the residents of the building, apartment or floor.
Residents are collectively responsible for public areas. Residents are also responsible for the behavior of their guests. Room damages and charges will be assessed during checkout. Cleanup and damage charges may be assessed and charged if applicable. Excessive damages may be addressed through the student judicial system.
If a student wishes to appeal a damage charge, the following procedure should be followed:
- Appeal the charge(s) within two weeks of the billing date to the Associate Director of Residential Life. Appeals will not be heard after this time.
If you are not satisfied with the response from the Associate Director of Residential Life, you may appeal to the Dean of Students. The appeal must be received within 48 hours after receiving the decision of the Associate Director of Residential Life.
The Dean of Students will notify the student in writing of the final decision.
Safety & Health
Fire Safety
Fire alarm systems and fire extinguishers are required for the protection of all residents and are to be used only in case of a fire. Tampering with fire equipment or setting off a false alarm is a misdemeanor under state law. Deliberately causing a fire is a felony. Disciplinary action (and/or arrest) will be taken against any student found tampering with fire equipment, falsely setting off the alarm system, or causing a fire. In addition, persons discharging a fire extinguisher unnecessarily will be directly referred to the Dean of Students office.
For fire safety reasons, the following are expressly prohibited in residence halls:
- Candles and/or any open flame, including incense
- Propane tank
- Fireworks
- Cut Christmas trees
- Potpourri
- Flame heated stoves, hotplates, and appliances with exposed heating coils
- Halogen lamps/sun lamps
- Portable heaters
- Hookahs
- Fog and Smoke machines
Fire Safety Guidelines
Decoration lights (Christmas lights, novelty lights) should not be used as an on-going light source, and should not be attached to room fixtures or ceilings using metal fasteners and should not be used in any manner contrary to manufacturers’ recommendations.
Fires are not permitted in small house fireplaces i.e. 1731, 1631, and 2111.
Coffee makers, George Forman grills, hotpots and coffee pots are allowed but must have a metal plate under them at all times. Metal plates can be obtained from the Office of Campus Life.
Hanging fabric (tapestries) from the ceiling or in front of doors or windows is prohibited.
Extension cords must be heavy-duty cords with a minimum of 12-gauge wire. Extension cords are not permitted under rugs, carpet, or run through the ceiling or beds (frames).
Surge protectors must be heavy duty with a self-tripping breaker.
Flammable liquids
The storage or use of flammable liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, etc., is strictly prohibited. Only self-starting charcoal is permitted when using a grill. All grilling must be conducted at a safe distance (10 feet) from any structure.
Hallways/Stairwells must remain clear in case of emergency. Items such as: drying racks, shoes, rugs, furniture, bicycles and other items which obstruct access and egress are prohibited from being in hallways or stairwells. Garbage containers and recycling bins should remain in designated areas.
In Case of Fire or Fire Alarm
ALL residents are expected to participate in fire drill evacuations. Students are expected to leave residence halls when an alarm sounds. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.
In case of fire:
- • Sound the building fire alarm system.
- • Notify a residence hall staff member or Public Safety (814-641-3636).
- • In case of smoke, carry a towel to cover your nose and mouth to minimize the danger of asphyxiation.
- • Evacuate the building immediately per instructions given by the Campus Life Staff and Public Safety.
- • Go to the nearest exit.
- • Assemble outside the residence hall at least 200 feet from the building to allow emergency vehicle access.
- • DO NOT RETURN to the residence hall until an "all clear" signal is given. .
Standing or placing any object or container on outside windowsills is prohibited. For safety reasons, students are not permitted to throw or hand items out of residence windows. Students are not permitted to enter or exit through windows. Any screens in college-owned buildings that have been installed by facilities or screens that are part of a window (e.g. windows in stairwells in East) are to remain in the window at all times. Missing/damaged screens will be replaced at the residents’ expense.
Alcohol-related items may not be displayed on windows or window sills. Empty alcohol bottles or cans are not allowed in rooms where residents are under the age of 21.
For emergency reasons, furniture and/or other objects that impede egress should not block windows in students’ rooms.
For safety reasons, students are not permitted on roofs of any campus building.
Bedbug Policy
The following policy outlines reporting and response procedures and provides basic information regarding bedbugs.
Policy Statement: In our mobile society, it is common for people to regularly travel throughout the country and the world. As such, it is not unlikely that someone who has traveled could pick up bedbugs and bring them back to Juniata College.
Purpose: The information included here is meant to give you some of the basics on bedbugs.
What to do if you suspect bedbugs in your room: Contact the Campus Life Office/Residential Life Coordinator/ Resident Director so the situation can be investigated and assessed. It is imperative that any instance of bedbugs be treated as soon as possible.
Following notification, the College’s pest control contractor will be dispatched to the location to perform a thorough inspection.
- If the presence of bedbugs is confirmed, personal items must be removed so the room can be treated. The Campus Life Office will provide the affected student(s) with a detailed list of instructions for cleaning, removing, and laundering of personal items.
- Treatment generally involves application of a pesticide. Glue boards may be placed in the room to determine the effectiveness of the treatment.
- All items in the room must be thoroughly cleaned.
What NOT to do if you suspect bedbugs:
- Don’t panic! Although bedbugs can be annoying, they can be controlled safely and successfully by following the appropriate guidelines.
- Do not apply pesticides on your own. The College employs a licensed pest control contractor to confirm an infestation and maintain an integrated pest management plan.
- Do not go sleep in a friend’s room or in places off-campus.
- Do not move your mattress or other furniture; doing so could help spread bedbugs to other areas.
Room Entry / Inspection
Juniata College respects a student’s right to privacy, but the college reserves the right to enter any college room when necessary and appropriate.
The college conducts periodic health and safety inspections and maintenance visits to all college residence hall rooms, including at least one health, safety and maintenance inspection during each semester. Room inspections also may occur during fall break, Thanksgiving break, semester break and spring break. These inspections do not involve a search of the room. Inspections include only what is visible in the room, no searches are conducted.
The only time Juniata College Public Safety would search a student’s room is if there is reasonable cause to believe that a student is using his or her room for a purpose in violations of federal, state, local laws or College regulations. Unless conducted via search warrant, any search or seizure needs to be authorized by the Dean Of Students or designee. The student(s) will be informed of the purpose of the search and notified of any findings that violate laws or college policy.
The College reserves the right to enter any room in event of an emergency, including a threat to personal or college property and/or the health and well-being of any individual.
Additional Services
Laundry Facilities
Each residence hall has a laundry room in which washers and dryers are provided for student use, free of charge. Please immediately report any machine malfunction to the residential hall staff.
Vending Machines
Each residence hall is equipped with vending machines providing a selection of beverages and snacks. Machines which fail to function properly should be reported to the residence hall staff.
Summer Storage
Storage space in residence halls during the summer is restricted. Personal items or furniture left in rooms or apartments at the end of the academic year will be discarded.
Hall Closings
The residence halls close several times during the year. The Office of Campus Life will inform residents of the dates and times. Students who have legitimate reasons for early return must request permission from the Office of Campus Life via Eagles Nook. There is a charge/day for housing during designated breaks. Last minute requests will not be granted. Failure to leave by the designated time or returning before the halls reopen may result in administrative charges and/or judicial action.
When the halls are closed for Thanksgiving break, residents are required to:
- Close and lock windows; close curtains/blinds.
- Turn off all lights.
- Dispose of all trash or recycling.
- Unplug all appliances EXCEPT refrigerators and fish tanks.
- Remove all valuables, including cash and checkbooks.
- Lock door.
During semester and spring breaks, residents must:
- Do all of the above.
- Clean and unplug refrigerators.
- Dispose of all perishable food items.
We recommend removing plants to protect them from lowered room temperatures. Please note that the College assumes no responsibility for plants, fish, or personal property in your room. All rooms are checked by the RA or RD to ensure closing procedures have been carried-out. Compliance with closing procedures assures safety and security. Failure to comply may result in judicial action and/or an administrative charge.
Break Housing
Campus housing is closed during the Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks. Students must vacate no later than 10:00am. At the end of the fall semester, campus housing closes the day after final exams end. Residence halls will reopen at 9:00am the day before classes resume.
A limited amount of break housing is available for students that need to remain on campus. Students who have legitimate needs to remain on campus during breaks should request housing via Eagles Nook. The Office of Campus Life will review the request and grant permission when appropriate. There is a $25 per day (or $125 per week) charge for break housing. All college rules and regulations apply during breaks.
Check In and Out Procedures
At the beginning of the year, RAs will complete a Room Condition Report (RCR). You should assess the condition of your room as carefully as possible. Be certain that the RCR is accurate and complete regarding the status of furnishings, walls, etc., in your room. At the end of the year, or as you prepare to leave campus, your RA will use this form to check you out of your room.
Residents are responsible for the care and condition of their rooms. Costs associated with damages to rooms may be assessed. Failure to follow check-out procedures will result in an administrative fine and ineligibility to appeal damage charges.
To check-out of your room:
- Make an appointment with your RA at least 24 hours before you intend to check-out.
- Pack your belongings and place them in a corner of the room.
- Clean your room and arrange the furniture the way it was when you moved in.
- Survey the room with your RA at your scheduled meeting time with your roommate, if possible.
- Sign your RCR to indicate that you have checked-out and return your room key to your RA.
If you are leaving the college, complete a mail forwarding card at the mailroom.
Please note that the RLC/RDs check each room in detail after you have completed check-out procedures and may assess additional charges if necessary.
Insurance of Personal Property
Personal belongings are not insured by the college against theft or damage. Students are encouraged to check their homeowner’s policy to determine whether or not such coverage is provided. If not, students are encouraged to consider securing "renter's insurance."
Meal Plans
There are a variety reasons why we (Juniata College) require residential students to carry a meal plan. Our residence halls are not well-equipped for meal preparation. If many residential students were involved with meal preparation on a regular on-going basis we would be at greater risk of fire safety violations and health code concerns (insect infestation, mold, food-related illnesses, etc.).
All residential students are automatically assigned Blue. Changes for students must be made before the end of the drop/add period. Changes cannot be made after that time.
All commuters, non-campus and part-time students can select a meal plan at any time.
Parkhurst is the Food Service Provider for Juniata.
- Meal plans include:
- The BLUE residential plan ($3300 per semester) allows all access dining and $150 DCB. This plan is required for Juniors, Sophomores and First year students. All students living in traditional residence halls will automatically be assigned the Blue Plan.
- The GOLD A block plan ($3050 per semester) allows 185 Blocks and $75 DCB. Available to commuters, seniors and students living in houses and apartments only.
- The GOLD B block plan ($3050 per semester) allows 125 Blocks and $300 DCB Available to commuters, seniors and students living in houses and apartments only.
- The Apartment plan ($2150 per semester) allows all access dining Monday through Friday and $100 DCB. Available to students living in apartments with kitchens, and commuters only.
- Senior students may choose from the Blue or Gold A or Gold B plan. Junior, Sophomore and First year students are required to have the Blue plan.
- Students living in college houses or apartments with kitchens will be assigned the Apartment plan but may change to the Blue, Gold A, Gold B, plan if they wish.
- Students can use DCB anytime retail operations are open.
- DCBs rollover over from fall to spring.
- Commuter students are not required to have a meal plan but can select a plan or opt out.
- Baker will now encompass both the traditional first floor stations as well as second floor stations (Eagles Landing). Eagles Landing will not be a standalone retail cash operation but be instead be considered part of Baker.
- Students are permitted to enter both areas and take food to go.
Procedures for Requesting a Meal Exception
There are extenuating circumstances that may warrant an exception to the meal plan requirement. Students who wish to petition for special consideration should submit medical documentation and a dietary plan. If the request is based upon medical conditions, which require dietary restrictions, a doctor's note simply requesting release does not suffice. The student should submit a specific dietary plan for review.
In all cases, students should check with the Student Financial Planning Office regarding any potential impact on financial aid.
Petitions for meal plan waivers/exceptions must be received prior to the beginning of the semester to which the appeal pertains. Meal Plan waivers/exceptions are granted on a semester-by-semester basis. Petitions submitted after the beginning of the semester are not guaranteed to be approved for that semester.
If you have any questions regarding the appeal process, please contact the Office of Accessibility Services phone: 814- 641-5840 or email