What is Plexus?
The word “plexus” is taken from the Latin plectere, which means a network of interwoven parts. Juniata College’s Plexus program is a support network comprised of faculty, staff and student peers that help to enrich and enlighten those new to Juniata in securing a firm campus foothold by assisting in their academic and social transition to college and the surrounding Huntingdon community. Because Plexus takes several forms, all students have the opportunity to take part as they are able and interested.
Plexus focuses on multiculturalism, as it pertains to myriad identities that inform who we are and how we have come to occupy our current social space as well as the futures we seek through a Juniata education!
Our network strives to help develop the skills to be socially conscious, self-advocating and self-empowered free-thinkers, as each student has their own unique voice and journey that must be recognized and contributes to the diversity and ever-changing climate of growth on our campus.
At Juniata, Plexus encompasses 3 principle parts: