If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send us an email or call us.
For questions related to new student transitions, orientation, Inbound, and campus housing:
Office of Campus and Residential Life
Phone: (814) 641-3330
Email: campuslife@juniata.edu
For questions related to academic advising and course registration, class schedules, transfer of credits, and AP scores:
Registration & Advising
Phone: (814) 641-3165
Email: advising@juniata.edu
For questions related to financial aid:
Office of Financial Planning
Phone: (814) 641-3142
Email: financialplanning@juniata.edu
For questions related to billing and payments:
Bursar's Office
Phone: (814) 641-3188
Email: bursarsoffice@juniata.edu
For questions related to setting up your Juniata account, email, and technology purchases:
Information Technology Services
Phone: (814) 641-3619
Email: help@juniata.edu
For questions related to disability services, academic or housing accommodations, and assistive technologies:
Student Accessibility Services
Phone: (814) 641-5840
Email: accessibility@juniata.edu