As new Juniatians, we have designed a series of events and activities throughout the summer to help prepare you to be an Eagle!
Summer Orientation
is a required one-day experience where you will receive vital information on how to be a successful student inside and outside of the classroom, begin making social connections with your peers, and start to orient yourself to campus spaces.
Families and supporters are requested to take part in Orientation and will have their own series of informational sessions throughout the day.
Registration begins at 9 a.m. with Orientation running from 9:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. on your scheduled day. All times are Eastern Time.
Register for one of the Orientation dates listed below at least 2 weeks in advance of that date. Space for each session is limited!
Summer Orientation Session Dates:
Session 1 - Friday, June 27th
Session 2 - Friday, July 18th (Followed by Inbound 1 Friday-Sunday)
Session 3 - Monday, July 28th
You will need to register for both an Orientation Session AND an Inbound Session, each separately.
*Please note, international students are automatically registered for International Student Orientation, August 15 - 17.
Being located in a rural area, we understand that traveling to Huntingdon, PA can have logistical challenges. Please refer to the Traveling to Juniata College and Huntingdon, PA section of your new student information booklet for details on travel options, and as always feel free to reach out to us at
is a three-day immersive retreat designed to help you build social connections through fun experiences and learning about being a Juniatian. We know that engaging before the semester begins through our Inbound retreats will help you build skills and connections, succeed academically, and foster your sense of well-being as you begin your Juniata journey! For this reason we highly encourage all new students, including transfer students, to participate in this valuable opportunity that will support your transition to campus. There is a $100 participation fee for Inbound that will be added to your student bill. If you anticipate or are experiencing a financial hardship that would prevent you from participating in Inbound due to this fee, please contact to request financial support.
Inbound 1 -- Choose this session especially if you are a Fall Athlete! This session begins directly following Orientation Session 2 with registration from 4:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m. that Friday. Inbound runs from 5pm July 18th until 5pm, Sunday, July 20th. Housing is provided for student participants throughout Inbound. Students on any of Juniata's fall varsity athletic teams will need to register for this July session. *Space for this session is limited!*
Inbound 2 begins right before the start of the semester. All participants will move into their campus housing on Thursday, August 21st between 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. Students and families have until 2pm to get settled in their rooms and then transition into their Inbound activities. Inbound retreats will last through Saturday, August 23rd, at which point you will transition right into New Student Onboarding Programs through the start of classes.
Register for one Inbound session below at least 2 weeks in advance of the start date.*
Inbound is for students only, and Juniata is unable to provide any housing or transportation for families and supporters during your Inbound experience.
We understand that there may be circumstances that prevent you from being able to participate in Inbound. If you would like to request to be exempt from Inbound please complete this form.
Please select and register for one Summer Orientation session and one Inbound session using the links below. You will need to register separately for both an Orientation session and an Inbound Session.
You will need to log in using the same email address and password that you used for your Juniata admission application, not your new Juniata email address.
When registering for Inbound you will indicate your top three interest areas. We do our best to place you into one of your retreat theme preferences, but space in each retreat is limited. During your Inbound, you will participate in small group activities in your theme, as well as other community-building, community-expectation, and getting-to-know campus activities.
"Travel Time" and "Activity Level" are rated on a high, moderate, low scale to help you select the best possible retreat for you. Retreats with high travel time will travel more than an hour from campus or include multiple activity locations per day that require a bus ride. Retreats with high activity levels will have activities that require physical exertion for at least 6+ hours per day.
All experience levels are welcome on all our retreats – college is a great time to try new things, share what you love, and learn through playful curiosity!
*Please note that some retreat themes may only be offered during one of the two sessions.
Inbound Retreat Descriptions
Community Cultural Tour: This retreat will relish relationships among the greater area community, taking in the richness of stories, people, and the beautiful places that are part of your new home. Become a familiar face at community-oriented local businesses, like Standing Stone Coffee Company, share laughter and activities with Juniata alumni residents of a local senior living community, and delight in the unique histories shared by experiences at places like the Isett Heritage Museum, Raystown Lake Visitors Center, and a Huntingdon walking tour.
Travel time: Medium Activity level: Low to Medium
Community Service: Participants of this retreat will put their helping hands to work through community-engaged direct service with local organizations that care for the places, people, and land around us. You'll get to work on a couple projects, that may include things like hiking trail maintenance with the Friends of Huntingdon Borough Trails or bringing a brush of kindness to a new friend's home with Habitat for Humanity, while engaging with the idea of "community" through learning the stories, experiences, and contexts of this new area you'll call "home" through your time at Juniata! Be sure to consider joining a service club at Lobsterfest too, like Huntingdon Helping Hands, the Juniata College Chapter of the Lions Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Habitat Restoration Club, or the Pets and Animals Welfare Society!
Travel time: Low Activity level: Medium to High (dependent on service work project)
Creative Arts: Kick-off college with creative energy! This retreat allows students to share & express themselves through creative movement, media, and making art! Enjoy acting workshops, learn a dance, visit art locales in the nearby area, paint, sip, & karaoke with new pals-- you’ll get to produce something meaningful before you even begin one of Juniata's Integrated Media Arts classes! Be sure to check out the Juniata Creators Club, Dance Ensemble, and the Juniata Student Theatre Ensemble club at Lobsterfest later this fall!
Travel time: Low Activity level: Low
Camping: Enjoy the great outdoors by going off-campus to Juniata’s Raystown Field Station. Slow down and soak up three days of lake-life-activities such as kayaking, swimming, hiking, and cooking over a campfire.
Travel time: Low Activity level: Medium to High
Fun & Games: For those students who enjoy games, arcades, and other similar activities, this retreat will take excursions to an escape room, laser tag, and mini golf by day and then cozy-up for classic boardgames by night. To keep the fun going every week on campus you should join the Ministry Of Games or Esports student organizations this fall at Lobsterfest!
Travel time: High Activity level: Medium
Outdoor Adventures: Incorporating some favorite activities, this retreat is for those with a high energy for seeking plenty of time in wild spaces enjoying the thrill of adventure sports. Some example activities include river-tubing, biking, paddling, hiking, and exploring the best recreation locales around Huntingdon! You may also want to connect with our Kayak Club or Juniata Cycling Club at Lobsterfest this fall!
Travel time: High Activity level: High
Rock Climbing: Juniata rocks! Explore local natural rocks through hiking, rock climbing, and bouldering. You’ll also get to visit a nearby indoor rock gym to connect you with year-round fun! The Juniata Climbing Club will be a great club for you to join to keep up your grip-strength and continue to connect you to these opportunities.
Travel time: High Activity level: High
Team Sports: Kick! Run! Shoot! Score! If you love friendly competition and the energy of playing on a team, this retreat allows you to play a variety of team-oriented sports: soccer, volleyball, basketball to name a few—and even try some of our club sports you may want to join this fall!
Travel time: Low Activity level: High
Recreation & Leisure Sports: This retreat is one that incorporates the enjoyment of sports and the outdoors just for the fun of it. Go to a local baseball game, enjoy disc golf and beach games at Raystown Lake, take a hike on nearby trails, and try your hand at badminton on North Lawn. Find the Disc Golf Club, Pickleball Club, and Ping Pong Club at Lobsterfest to continue the fun this fall!
Travel time: Medium Activity level: Medium
Eagles Sky Lab: Take to the skies as a new Eagle in this retreat that melds together astronomy, birdwatching, and building "aircraft". Even gaze at the night sky at Juniata's two observatories, and visit beautiful local "perches" along the way! You may also want to connect with the The Society of Physics Students, or start a new birding club at Lobsterfest this fall!
Travel time: High Activity level: Low
Food & Drink: Transition to college through your taste buds! This retreat will explore local restaurants and the craft experience of several different foods and drinks. Uncover the notes of specialty coffee with our local roaster, Standing Stone Coffee Company, appreciate nature’s sweetness through maple syrup, and indulge in rich local creamery cheese and ice cream! If you like this retreat, the Juniata Tea Club could be a great RSO for you to join this fall!
Travel time: High Activity level: Low
Well-Being: Being well at Juniata is a holistic practice and community value. This retreat will guide you to resources, build healthy habits, practice your values, and grow with a new group of supportive friends as you learn to take good care of yourself and the Juniata community as you begin your college journey. Come learn Tai Chi, try out forest bathing, meditate in the deep ring of singing bowls, and build a mini-green space for your dorm room!
Travel time: Low to Medium Activity level: Low to Medium
Wildlife (*August Session ONLY): For students that are interested in environmental studies or who enjoy “critters”, this retreat is based out of the Juniata Raystown Field Station and will give you opportunities to encounter local wildlife and some of the conservation organizations who care for their management. You'll want to join the Juniata Chapter of The Wildlife Society at Lobsterfest too!
Travel time: Medium to High Activity level: Medium
Have any questions about Inbound or a retreat? Email